Thursday, October 29, 2009

Arms and Kick Boxing

Equipment: Band, mat (optional)
Warm-Up 5 minutes and stretch
Arms to Die For!

• Start with push ups (regular or modify) Do 3 sets of 8! Little rest in-between

• Next stand up and do forward arm circles. Keep them small. Do about 15 - 20 forward and then reverse directions. Do 15 - 20 in this direction, and switch again! Do this 4 - 5 times!

Next you will do a little bicep combo:
  • Bicep curl then a hammer curl.
  • Bicep curl and hammer curl (no rest) that counts as 1.
Do this 8- 10 times.

Shoulder presses with bands. Do this 20 times.

Bicep curls: 10 up and down, pulse for 10, 10 up and down, pulse for 10 and 10 up and down. End with small circles with arms forming 90 degree angles: 10 each direction

Drop the bands and go back and do another set of arm circles! Same as before. (repeat 5x)

Tricep shoulder combo:

Grab the bands again and go into doing some tricep kickbacks
Do this 8-10

And then switch into a set of frontal raises with dumps. (to do a dump while arms are raised perpendicular to the floor with thumbs up, turn your thumb down toward the ground)
Do this 8 - 10 times

Repeat tricep kickbacks and frontal raises with dumps 3x!

Adapted from: Jens Arms to Die For added to

Cardio Kickboxing
Right foot forward, left foot back

Round 1
  • Jab right, cross left, front block right, knee smash right (4 count) (Starting slow (8 count then move to tempo)) Do this combo 4 times at tempo
  • Shuffle forward (4 count) 4 Right jabs (4 count)
  • Shuffle back (4 count) 4 Left uppercuts (4 count)
Go right back into jab combo (do round 1, 4 times in a row)

In between round 1-2 sets of 10 burpies

Round 2

  • Shuffle right (4 count) 4 Repeater knees (8 count) 2 Jacks (4 count)
  • Shuffle left (4 count) 4 Repeater knees (8 count) 2 Jacks (4 count)
Do same combo right and left again

  • 8 Front kicks (right/left) (8 count)
  • 4 Front kicks moving up (4 count) 4 Front kicks moving back (4 count)
Do round 2 again, this time starting the shuffle from left to right.

After Round 2 do 10 push ups

Added by Sara Chaffey to

Elbows and Knees Killer Fun!!

2 counts up, 2 counts down for all moves. Slow and controlled. Try to get them to keep it slow, they will want to come back down fast.

Lay on the floor, hands behind head, knees bent, feet on floor. Cue elbows back, spine in neutral through the neck (one full fist space between chin and chest).

  • 8 Alternating elbow to knee (starting easy)
  • 8 Right leg left elbow to knee, fully extend the right leg for the 2 counts down (as low as they feel comfortable with- some can go as low as 1 inch above the floor)
  • 8 Left leg, right elbow to knee fully extend the leg
Second set bent knees/feet come up to 90 degree angle (sitting in a chair lying down)

  • 8 Alternating elbow to knee
  • 8 Right leg, left elbow, fully extend leg on the down 2 count
  • 8 Left leg, right elbow, fully extend leg on the down 2 count
Third set feet all the way up straight leg, soft knees (body at 90 degrees from the hip)

  • 8 Alternating elbow to knee (bend the straight leg a little to do this)
  • 8 Right leg to left elbow, right leg comes down on the down 2 count (left leg stays up)
  • 8 Left leg to right elbow, left leg comes down.
If you want to increase intensity, this can be done on a step with staggered risers (one on one side, 2 on the other), hips at the end of the low side.

Most important thing is to keep good form and low back from coming up. If you cannot do the harder levels, you can stay at the level you feel comfortable with.

Added by Alison to

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