Thursday, November 19, 2009

Boot Camp 7

Boot Camp 7

This is a [Other] pattern from (pattern 15639)

Here is the format-1 minute cardio. Strength-15 reps. 1 minute cardio. Strength-15 reps. 1 minute cardio. Strength-15 reps.-This is one set, get a drink and start again.

Warm-up 5 min


Cardio/Strength #1

  • 1 Minute high knees (in place, and arms are extended straight out from shoulders, in front of body)
  • Bent over Rows 15 reps

Repeat this sequence for 2 more times

Cardio/Strength #2

  • 1 Minute speed skate (in place, keeping body low, moving side to side, pushing off outside foot)
  • Push-ups 15 reps.

Repeat this sequence for 2 more times

Cardio/Strength #3

  • 1 Minute ski hop (this is a little different from a normal ski hop-arms are bent 90 degrees at sides, squat down, on the way coming back up hop over to the right, squat down, and hop up and over to the left, repeat)
  • Tricep dips 15 reps.

Repeat this sequence for 2 more times

Cardio/Strength #4

  • 1 Minute mountain climbers
  • Bicep curls with band 15 reps (sitting on floor, put band around feet, holding on to handles, now pull abs in tight and lean torso back until you feel abs engage, curl band up and down for 15. Make sure bicep portion of arm doesn't move, and chest stays tall)

Repeat this sequence for 2 more times

Cardio/Strength #5

  • 1 Minute Lunge front kick with punch (start on right side, step back and lunge with right leg, bring knee up then front kick, punch with your left arm as you kick. Stay on right side for 30 seconds then switch to left for 30 seconds)
  • Upper back flyes 15 reps.

Repeat this sequence for 2 more times

Cardio/Strength #6

  • 1 Minute heel kicks with arms extended overhead
  • Overhead presses 15 reps.

Repeat this sequence for 2 more times

Abs-5-6 minutes Include your choice 1 minute each choose 5-6: supermans, bicycles, scissors, reverse crunch, v-sits, normal crunch, boat, or squirmies (side to side reach under bent legs)


Added by Christina Sloan to adapted by Chelsy Hooper

Cardio Sculpter

Cardio Sculpter
This is a [Other] pattern from (pattern 15641)

• 12 Jacks
• 12 Squats

• 12 Cross jacks (feet criss cross, arms out to the side)
• 12 Squats

• 12 Running jacks (feet go front and back like you are running)
• 12 Squats

• 12 Squat with chest press
• Sprint down and back twice (repeat whole segment twice)

• 12 Squat with overhead press
• Sprint (repeat whole segment twice) down and back twice

• 12 Side lunge with overhead press (lunge on right then left, that’s one)
• Hustle (jog sideways) down and back twice –(repeat whole segment twice)

• 12 Standing alternate leg to alternate shoulder crunch (right, left = 1)
• Skip (just like you were a kid, but get those knees up (repeat whole segment twice)

• Walking lunge with twist (lunge and do an oblique twist to the side that you are lunging)
• Run 1 lap (repeat whole segment twice)

• Squat with floor/overhead press (start with weight to chest, squat to floor and tap weight on floor then back to check and finally overhead)
• Run 1 lap (repeat whole segment twice)

• 2 Sets of 12 pushups
• 2 Sets of side planks (holding for count of 10 on each side)

• 2 Sets of 12 tricep dips

Added by Dawn Evans at 9:30 PM on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 EST

The Sub

The Sub

This is a [Other] pattern from (pattern 16685)

  • 2 Minutes jumping rope
  • Quick stretch
  • 1 lap fast one lap jog, repeat for 3-5 minutes
  • Recover with some weights: chest press to a overhead - 3 sets of 10
  • Flys- 3 sets of 10
  • Biceps for 100
  • Tricep extension: 3 sets of 10
  • 100 Squats 50 regular 50 double-time
  • To the basketball court:
  • Leap frog jump do a burpee come up with a explosion jump - down the court and back
  • In a circle, backs in the center, have class squat down (low) and pass medicine ball around 1 minute switch directions 45 seconds, switch directions 30 seconds, switch directions 15 and switch.
  • Back upstairs:
  • Partners abs
  • 1 Person lays down partner on toes hands out crunch up turn touch hands and down for 1 minute switch partners
  • Person lays down legs up partner pushes down on toes touch heels to floor and back up also do for 1 minute

Added by Lynn Osborn to adapted by Chelsy Hooper

OW and Plank Abs


This is a [Other] pattern from (pattern 16650)

Warm-up 5 minutes and stretch

• Run 2 laps around the track. Then right side shuffle around the track once then switch left once and then walking side squats switch lead legs half way). Remember to stick your bum out and chest up!
• Next balance on one leg holding weights (your choice how heavy) back kick while extending weights in front of you 1 minute switch to other leg one minute.
• Burpees - 1 minute
• Flyes 3 sets of 10.
• Jog a lap-sprint a lap- jog-backpedal-jog-power knees and end with a walk.

• Suicides with body bars overhead - 2 minutes
• Inchworms to the end of the gym.
• Crab walk to the end of the gym.

• 100 Bicep curls
• Tricep dips on bench - 1 minute
• Mountain climbers - 1 minute
• Push ups - 1 minute
• Steps 1 minute FAST x3
• Jacks - 1 minute
• To the stairs for calf raises 3x 1 minute
• Squats holding heavy weights 10 single 10 pulse 10 single 10 with a hold 10 single 50 double time

Added by Lynn Osborn to adapted by Chelsy Hooper

"I can set my glass of juice on your bum" PLANKS with a twist
This is an Abs pattern from (pattern 15625)

These planks are a classic core strengthener. You start on the floor in push up position, only hold on your elbows and toes (wrap one fist in the other to help hold your form). Be sure to center your weight with arms perpendicular to floor (too far forward or back will tire your arms more than abs, or even hurt you). Suck your belly button in to your spine, and flatten that bum so I can set my glass of juice on it.

• A-Hold this plank for 4 sets of 8 counts
• B-Tip your toes forward and back (F,B is 1 count) for 2 sets of 8
• C-Hold center again for 4 sets of 8
• D-Tip hips side to side (left, right counts as 1) for 2 sets of 8
• E-Finish off holding in center for 4 sets of 8

(This might be too hard to start off -if so, rest the first 2 sets on "C")

Added by Shawna to

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Indoor Boot Camp

Indoor Boot Camp

Equipment: Medium to heavy band, mat (optional)

Warm-up: 5 minutes

30 seconds each: power walk, jog, side shuffle right leg lead, power walk, side shuffle left leg lead, power walk, walking lunges with upper body rotation, inch worm (hand on floor, walk out to front plank, walk toes in, repeat), power walk.

Balance: (Go by the wall for added support)

  • Single leg squat with reach forward x 8 each side
  • Single leg squat with opposite leg sweep (touch to front and circle around to back) x 8 each side

Cardio/strength circuit #1 (Use medium to heavy bands)

  • 1 Minute squats
  • 1 Minute bent over rows
  • 1 Minute speed skater cardio drill last 15 second increase intensity and bend knees deeper and reach low to the ground when going side to side

x 2 sets

Cardio/strength circuit #2 (Use medium to heavy bands)

  • 2 Minutes walking lunges around room
  • 1 Minute shoulder press
  • 1 Minute side to side squat cardio drill. last 15 second increase intensity and make them plyometric

x 2 sets

Cardio/strength circuit #2 (Use medium to heavy bands)

  • 1 Minute squat jumps
  • 1 Minute pushups
  • 1 Minute cross country skiing cardio drill. increase intensity last 15 second and make them split lunge jumps

x 2 sets

Cool down: 2-4 laps walking around room


  • 1 Minute crunches
  • 1 Minute supermans

x 2 sets

  • 1 Minute front bridge
  • 30 Second side bridge each side

x 2 sets

Stretch: 5 minutes

Adapted from a post found on