Boot Camp 7
This is a [Other] pattern from (pattern 15639)
Here is the format-1 minute cardio. Strength-15 reps. 1 minute cardio. Strength-15 reps. 1 minute cardio. Strength-15 reps.-This is one set, get a drink and start again.
Warm-up 5 min
Cardio/Strength #1
- 1 Minute high knees (in place, and arms are extended straight out from shoulders, in front of body)
- Bent over Rows 15 reps
Repeat this sequence for 2 more times
Cardio/Strength #2
- 1 Minute speed skate (in place, keeping body low, moving side to side, pushing off outside foot)
- Push-ups 15 reps.
Repeat this sequence for 2 more times
Cardio/Strength #3
- 1 Minute ski hop (this is a little different from a normal ski hop-arms are bent 90 degrees at sides, squat down, on the way coming back up hop over to the right, squat down, and hop up and over to the left, repeat)
- Tricep dips 15 reps.
Repeat this sequence for 2 more times
Cardio/Strength #4
- 1 Minute mountain climbers
- Bicep curls with band 15 reps (sitting on floor, put band around feet, holding on to handles, now pull abs in tight and lean torso back until you feel abs engage, curl band up and down for 15. Make sure bicep portion of arm doesn't move, and chest stays tall)
Repeat this sequence for 2 more times
Cardio/Strength #5
- 1 Minute Lunge front kick with punch (start on right side, step back and lunge with right leg, bring knee up then front kick, punch with your left arm as you kick. Stay on right side for 30 seconds then switch to left for 30 seconds)
- Upper back flyes 15 reps.
Repeat this sequence for 2 more times
Cardio/Strength #6
- 1 Minute heel kicks with arms extended overhead
- Overhead presses 15 reps.
Repeat this sequence for 2 more times
Abs-5-6 minutes Include your choice 1 minute each choose 5-6: supermans, bicycles, scissors, reverse crunch, v-sits, normal crunch, boat, or squirmies (side to side reach under bent legs)
Added by Christina Sloan to adapted by Chelsy Hooper
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